PTV Logistics market data

Basis for effective marketing and territory planning

With PTV Logistics GmbH’s market data, you can put your sales and location planning on a secure footing. In the case of marketing, it will help you to run targeted campaigns.

With data ranging from business potential to socio-demographics, we cover needs for B-to-B and B-to-C markets alike.

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For marketing or territory planning

Market data provides information on where each target group is located.

We offer a wide range of market data and information on demand levels for almost every area of application.

Suitable for marketing purposes, for example, is our extensive socio-demographic data, which is available down to house number level. But special household-related data and purchasing power ratios can also provide valuable services here.

In addition to these data packages, our business demand level data can be used for location or territory planning, providing information on the location of potential competitors as well as on relevant target groups in B-to-B markets.

Socio-demographic data

Our basic data on socio-demographics contains information on population structure to match administrative boundaries such as county, municipality or postcode boundaries.

In addition to information on population density and gender-specific distribution of the respective area, data on purchasing power, employment structure or motor vehicle density, for example, is also included.

Numerous other demographic characteristics can be configured individually, even in sections.

Housing and living environment

We offer comprehensive data on housing and the living environment – whether it is the structure of residents, building structure and use, relocation behavior or the purchasing power of residents. This information about residential quality and resident structure in residential areas supports you, for example, in marketing or location planning.

We will be happy to advise you on the best data to use for your purpose and offer you precisely the data you need – whether in a complete data package or as specially configured individual information items

Dynamic Demographics

The Dynamic Demographics data set from the company precisely, the partner we work with here, provides information on the movement flows of specific population groups within an area.

This makes it possible, for example, to identify differences between the daytime and nighttime population, but also to spatially differentiate demand models or represent the commuter flows of different target groups.

Dynamic Demographics contain movement flows during the day with origin and destination and are also optionally available aggregated with age and gender, purchasing power, as well as consumption and lifestyle. With the Dynamic Demographics Analyser add-on, it can also be displayed and analysed automatically, for example with MapInfo Pro.

PTV Purchasing Power Germany & Europe

With PTV Purchasing Power Germany & Europe, you can see at a glance how household income and purchasing power are distributed regionally.

Right down to the house number level, it contains precise conclusions about various aspects of an area’s purchasing power: purchasing power in euro per inhabitant or per household, retail-relevant purchasing power or the purchasing power index. This makes location planning just as easy as direct marketing or the distribution of advertising materials.

In addition, we provide you with numerous special purchasing power data, related to specific consumer goods or industries, for pharmacy rankings and much more.

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PTV Business Demand Level Data

Business Demand Level Data by PTV Logistics GmbH provides information on regional economic structures and gives you the perfect overview of who is operating in your specific market.

When it comes to location analysis and evaluation, regional or local economic structures often play as significant a role as socio-demographic factors. We offer these structures at various regional levels as part of the intensively researched PTV business demand level data.

The continuously updated database contains qualified information such as turnover, sector or credit rating on around 5 million economically active companies in Germany alone. We also offer PTV Business Demand Level Data for many countries around the world.

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Attractive features

Business potentials available in four specifications

The PTV Business Demand Level Data for the different geographical levels is available in the following four versions:

  • BUSINESS MARKET with the number of businesses per area unit according to economic activity
  • BIG BUSINESS with the number of businesses per area unit according to workforce size class
  • BUSINESS KOMBI, a combination of these two packages
  • BUSINESS MONEY with the number of businesses per area unit according to sales classes

Detailed information on purchasing power data

Purchasing power ratios


PTV Logistics GmbH

Short description

Purchasing power is shown as a forecast of regional consumption potential at the consumers’ place of residence and can be described in simplified terms as the sum of all net incomes per region. In addition to net income from self-employed and non-self-employed work, capital income and government transfer payments such as unemployment benefits, child benefits and pensions are included in purchasing power. In addition to wage and income tax statistics, the calculation is based on relevant statistics for calculating state benefits and on forecast values from economic institutes.

Key words

Purchasing power, assortment-related purchasing power, retail purchasing power


MS Excel

Country coverage

Germany, Europe, the world


available from PTV Logistics GmbH


upon request (is dependent on the configuration of the desired area section)



Actuality of the data set

July 2021


Test PTV Logistics data now!

We provide test data for internal demo and test purposes to download for free.

The test data is usually available in MapInfo TAB, MIF/MID and ESRI shapefile formats.

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Any questions? We are here for you!

Do you want to find out more about the PTV Logistics world of data? Get in touch with our team of experts using the online form or simply give us a call at:

Phone +49 721 91112-400


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