Point data for location analyses and web maps
POIs are the most commonly used point data: They are indispensable for any professional location analysis and hardly any online map display today can do without the mostly topic-related information.
Specialist POI categories
The points of interest available from PTV provide you with information about the neighbourhood of a location: the number, position and transport connections, for example, of schools, discos, railway stations or shopping centres, but also the competitors within your own industry.
We are also happy to supply the data in sections for different economic areas or individual cities. We are also able to offer several specialist POIs.
PTV Kindergartens and Schools
With PTV Kindergartens and Schools, you have access to the geocoded addresses of around 50,000 kindergartens and 32,000 schools in Germany – valuable information for real estate evaluations or finding the right position of food services or homework help services. But it can also be used to control youth-oriented posters and direct marketing campaigns.
In the case of schools, the 22 school categories and information on school type and size are also included. For the other data sets, information on the type of facility – kindergarten, crèche, day nursery or after-school care centre, contact data, provider and other information is given.
PTV Points of Sale (PoS)
Points of Sale (PoS) refer to the location where a sale takes place – from the consumer’s perspective it is where items are purchased and from the provider’s perspective it is where items are sold. PoSs are therefore a specialist type of POI.
PTV GmbH provides PoS data for around 700 companies with almost 350,000 PoS locations in Germany alone, sorted according to 16 PoS categories. The information is researched and updated up to four times a year and is also available for the whole of Europe.
PTV Fuel Price Data
PTV Fuel Price Data, integrated into your own planning system, provides you with service station information for the whole of Europe: Where is each fuel card accepted, is there a store on the service station site or does the service station also have shower and wash facilities?
It also provides access to litre prices for all fuel types, such as historical data, average data or, on request, daily or even hourly updates.
Attractive features
Combination with other data
For marketing purposes, sales and services, many of the POIs are additionally available with precise address data.
In addition, a wide range of other PTV Logistics data packages such as PTV Digital Data Streets, administrative boundaries or routing data can be combined with the POIs.
Detailed information on PTV PoS
PTV Points of Sale (PoS)
PTV Logistics GmbH
Short description
PTV Points of Sale contains PoS data in 16 categories for almost 350,000 PoS locations in Germany alone. A point of sale is the location where a sale takes place: From the consumer’s perspective it is where the item was purchased and from the provider’s perspective it is where the item was sold.
PoS, points of sale, retail data
CSV, TAB, Access
Country coverage
Complete for Germany, partially for Europe
available from PTV Logistics GmbH
upon request (is dependent on the desired configuration of the data set)
The actuality of the data set
February 2025
Detailed information on PTV Kindergartens and Schools
PTV Kindergartens and Schools
PTV Logistics GmbH
Short description
“PTV Kindergartens and Schools” contains approx. 80,000 geocoded addresses of day nurseries and schools in Germany. In addition to name, address and geographic coordinates, additional information about school type and number of students is included.
School data, kindergarten data, points of interest (POI)
MapInfo TAB, ESRI shapefiles, Access, Excel, ASCII
Country coverage
available from PTV Logistics GmbH
upon request (is dependent on the desired configuration of the data set)
The actuality of the data set
January 2022
Test PTV Logistics data now!
We provide test data for internal demos and test purposes to download for free.
The test data is usually available in MapInfo TAB, MIF/MID and ESRI shapefile formats.
Any questions? We are here for you!
Do you want to find out more about the PTV Logistics world of data? Get in touch with our team of experts using the online form or simply give us a call at:
Phone +49 721 91112-400