Efficient Depot and Time Slot Management with PTV Axylog
The pressure on the logistics performances is constantly increasing, which makes the optimization on the use of all kind of resources absolutely essential nowadays.
The Time Slot Management module integrated in the PTV Axylog platform allows to improve the use of resources in depot operations by providing full visibility on incoming, loading/unloading and outgoing vehicles.
What does the Slot Management module do?
The Time Slot Management module allows the depot user to manage each vehicle status during the loading/unloading operations, leading therefore to an improvement in depot operational efficiency, to an overall reduction in operational times and to an increased transparency on the fleet and orders status for carrier and supplier users.
Why using the PTV Axylog Slot Booking Module?
High customization
Possibility to manage calendars and productivity for each individual ramp, for each supplier, for each type of goods as well as for each type of loading units.
Calendars and related resources can also be defined for a single day or even for a single ramp.
Integration with the Real Time Visibility Module
One of the most important aspects is the integration of the Slot Management Module with the Real Time Visibility Module. Indeed, if the carriers belong to the PTV Axylog network, the ETAs of incoming vehicles can be acquired. This allows to efficiently manage deviations from ETAs (advances or delays).
Greater transparency with suppliers & carriers
The system eases the communication and makes data on loading/unloading operations available to suppliers and carriers. Indeed, the external partners can monitor in real time the activities in the destination depots and can acquire data on service times and on overall loading/unloading operations times.
Better resource management
The wide possibilities of environment customization allow for an accurate management of loading and unloading times and for an efficient use of the resources at disposal.
Minimize waiting times
Having full visibility on incoming vehicles, on ramps used and on loading and unloading times allows for an efficient resource management which results in a reduction in both waiting times and inactivities for depot operators.
Easy OnBoarding process for suppliers & carriers
The system allows for an easy integration of external partners, in particular carriers and suppliers.
The economic benefits that the adoption of the Time Slot Management module is able to generate are evident, simply better management of resources turns into lower costs.
API Services
The PTV Axylog Slot Management Module provides API services for real time data exchange.
Benefits across the board
For your depot
Thanks to the ability of managing calendars and productivities for each individual ramp, each supplier, each type of goods, as well as each type of loading unit, depot operators can manage inbound and outbound flows efficiently, significantly improving the use of the resources at disposal.
For your suppliers & customers
The structure of the PTV Axylog platform allows carriers and suppliers to book unloading slots quickly and easily. With a single account they can manage all the customers/depots they are connected to, always finding the right information. By knowing in real time the status of their vehicles and the related service times they can proactively manage anomalies and delays.
A Time Slot Management module integrated into a solid collaborative platform provides full visibility and transparency in the loading and unloading processes to all involved actors of the distribution process. The result is a significant improvement in the management of logistics flows. The activation of the PTV Axylog Slot Booking Module can generate an immediate return on investment thanks to the reduction of waiting times, better use of resources, less disputes and charges with carriers for exceeding loading/unloading times. In conclusion, greater efficiency and lower costs.