PTV xServer

Maintenance mode for PTV xServer 1

PTV xServer 1 on-premises and internet with the release 1.38 is moved into maintenance mode effective from 01.01.2024.

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The products PTV xServer 1 on prem/internet have reached their end-of-life and will no longer be offered in the future

PTV xServer 1 was launched in the market in 2006 and is technologically now after more than 15 years at the end of its product life cycle. With PTV Developer, which was introduced in 2021, a new powerful product generation is available to you as a cloud service.

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The reasons for this:

  • PTV Logistics offers two more modern APIs which have a corresponding product maturity.  
  • Development resources should be allocated to the new products.   
  • From a development perspective, there is a significant risk that xServer 1 can no longer be built or maintained due to outdated technology.

Effects of the Maintenance Mode: 

  • No new product features or general enhancements 
  • Fresh maps, toll data updates and dynamic information (e.g. traffic) are provided as usual 
  • Major bugs will be fixed and also critical CVEs  
  • Service Level Agreements are furthermore in place and fulfilled.  
  • All customers will receive contractually owed product support. 

We recommend that all customers consider migrating their systems to:  

  • PTV Developer – cloud solution 
  • PTV xServer 2 – on-premises solution
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With the use of our latest product generations, you will also benefit from new capabilities like*:

PTV Map&Market Field service management software benefits: Sales territories

New vector technology for faster maps

PTV Balance & Epics benefits: Improved air quality

Latest standards for emission calculation such as ISO14083 for exact CO2 calculation

PTV Map&Market Field service management software benefits: Sales territories

OpenStreetMap as a second map provider

Data Consulting

New places and single field search


Extended Map Matching for accurate ETA calculation and recalculation of transport and toll costs

PTV Data toll calculation

Advanced and more detailed toll calculation

PTV Route Optimiser higher profitability

Calculation of monetary costs in our Routing API

PTV Vistro always up to date

Multi Traveltime Matrices to take traffic into account when calculating distance matrices

PTV Map&Market Field service management software benefits: Schedules

Consideration of source and destination traffic in routing

* not all functions are available in both product families 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why did PTV Logistics decide to put the product into maintenance mode?

PTV xServer 1 technology was launched on the market in 2006. The follow-up product PTV xServer 2 has been available as an on-premise and cloud solution since 2006 and the cloud solution PTV Developer since 2021. PTV xServer 1 is now at the end of its product life cycle and new product innovations are being implemented in the current product versions.

In addition to the product strategy, however, there are also technological reasons, as 3rd party frameworks used in PTV xServer 1 are no longer updated by the manufacturers. This means that secure operation may not be guaranteed in the future.

What does maintenance mode actually mean for the product?

First of all, no new functions will be provided, but only in the new product variants. But – we will of course continue to fix critical bugs and CVEs and provide updates.

How do I get new maps and dynamic information such as traffic information?

Fresh maps, toll data updates and dynamic information (e.g. traffic) are provided as usual. No changes are planned here.

Does the maintenance mode have an effect on my contractually guaranteed service level agreements?

Absolutely not. All Service Level Agreements are furthermore in place and fulfilled. All customers will receive contractually owed product support until further notice.

I would like to get started right away and take a look at PTV Developer. Where can I get a test account?

A free test account can be created directly on the PTV Developer Portal. Simply visit and click on "Activate for free" or "Start free trial".

Visit the PTV Developer portal

What happens to my existing contract when I migrate my solution to PTV Developer?

In many cases, the existing contract can be taken over. For details on this or to include a function extension in the contract, please get in touch with your sales representative.

What are the advantages of the advanced toll calculation?

You can use more advanced toll calculation methods to calculate ETC subscription.

Code sample

On the other hand, you can see which payment methods are available for a specific toll section. 

"paymentMethods": [ 

Where can I find detailed technical information and code samples for PTV Developer?

To get started you can jump right into the documentation. There you will find the detailed description, technical concepts and code samples for all the different APIs PTV Developer offers.

Read the documentation

In addition to that we offer some more advanced tutorials for specific use-cases:

​View the tutorials

I still use an on-premise version of xServer 1. Is there still an on-premise option of PTV Developer?

No, PTV Developer is a pure cloud product but we offer the possibility to host our xServer 2 on-premise.