PTV Logistics

Software that turns complexity into efficiency

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide exceptional optimisation tools, that meet and exceed the expectations of the global Logistics marketplace.

PTV Logistics unites industry-leading brands in logistics and is backed by strong investors

PTV Logsitics has two strong partners at its side: the international private equity investor Bridgepoint, that holds the majority stake, and the Porsche Automobile Holdings SE.

After being the new kid on the block 10 years ago, Conundra has reached a leading spot in the world of routing software. With a sharpened focus on Route Optimisation, the company developed the cloud data platform OptiFlow which is based on record-breaking algorithms. A number of transport companies and shippers have replaced their existing software with Conundra’s OptiFlow. As a result, those companies were finally able to realise the theoretical savings potential of route planning automation in practice. Technology, talent, and passion are Conundra’s cornerstones. Cutting-edge technology is applied to find better and faster solutions for any type of routing problem. Academic and experienced talent is actively sought, trained internally and externally, and continuously challenged to further develop.

Learn more about Conundra

PTV is a leading global software company for planning, calculating, and optimising transport logistics and mobility to save time and cost. With more than 40 years of experience, and record-breaking algorithms in route planning and tour optimisation, our software empowers logistics companies to realise the theoretical savings potential of route planning automation in practice.

Learn more about PTV Group




Leadership Team

Advisory Board


Steven De Shrijver CEO PTV Logistics

Steven De Shrijver
CEO, PTV Logistics

An De Wispelaere CPO PTV Logistics

An De Wispelaere
CPO, PTV Logistics

Our Locations

PTV Logistics Map

Press Release

PTV Group, Econolite and Conundra Continue their Integration by Creating Two Strong and Distinct Businesses Mobility and Logistics

Bridgepoint and Porsche SE supported PTV, Econolite, and Conundra to join forces in 2022 and now back the further integration into two strong and distinct businesses: Mobility and Logistics.

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