Digital boundaries

Administrative, postal and statistical areas

PTV Logistics can provide you with the boundaries of different classification levels for a wide variety of marketing, planning and structuring purposes.

All our digital boundaries can also be combined and refined with numerous other data from our range.

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Precisely tailored area divisions

The right classification level for every application.

Depending on the purpose of use, area boundaries are suitable on an administrative level, according to postal areas, or based on comparable areas that have been determined statistically, for example.

Benefit from the wide range of different area boundaries offered by PTV Logistics, which you can combine with a variety of other data that we provide, such as street networks or demographic data. “Classic” area boundaries using postcodes or administrative areas are available worldwide, while most statistical area divisions are offered on a country-specific basis.

This makes them the ideal support for company-specific tasks ranging from sales territory planning to the visualisation of sales figures.

PTV Admin Boundaries

For a clear and informative map representation of regional connections and relationships, the administrative boundaries are often crucial. The most commonly used are political administrative boundaries such as state, district, county or municipal boundaries. These administrative boundaries are distinctive in their division, allocation and designation in each country.

The boundaries of administrative units for each application are available for all countries worldwide with PTV Admin Boundaries.

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PTV PLZ8 Germany

PTV PLZ8 Germany is a small-scale division of areas into mutually comparable sections. This enables us to offer a breakdown of areas which is not only more small-scale than the official postcode areas, but also much more homogeneous due to the grouping of approximately 500 households in each area.

For many small-scale observations in marketing, planning and structuring tasks, but also for the distribution of advertising materials, they are much more suitable than the official postal areas, which are less finely structured and often not comparable with one another. They are particularly popular in address-based geomarketing and in the visualization of sales planning and sales territories.

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PTV Postcode Boundaries

For effective location planning and successful sales management, postal boundaries are often crucial. The five-digit postcode boundaries are therefore among the most widely used area boundaries. PTV Postcode Boundaries contains them for the whole of Europe and for many other countries.

Like the administrative boundaries, the PTV Postcode Boundaries can also be enhanced with a wide range of demographic data from the PTV Logistics range.

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The KGS14PLZ data set combines the official and the postal structures and adds a finely detailed level with a comparable number of households.

A uniform finely detailed area structure has been created with the combination of district-municipality key and postcode being divided into homogeneous areas with an average of 400 households. With more than 100,000 area units in Germany, the area key is finely detailed, while still being easy to handle.




Attractive features

Detailed information on PTV Admin Boundaries

PTV Admin Boundaries


PTV Logistics GmbH

Short description

The PTV Admin Boundaries data set is based on information provided by the respective state or other public statistics offices. As a rule, in addition to the municipal boundaries, it also contains the boundaries of the larger administrative units such as counties, districts, administrative districts, cantons and federal states.

Key words

Administrative boundaries, municipal boundaries, district boundaries, area boundaries


Standard data format MapInfo TAB, ESRI shapefiles and more

Country coverage

Germany, partially almost all countries in the world


available from PTV Logistics GmbH


upon request (is dependent on the desired configuration of the data set)



Actuality of the data set

July 2024


Detailed information on PTV Postcode Boundaries

PTV Postcode Boundaries


PTV Logistics GmbH

Short description

The PTV Postcode Boundaries Germany data set is based on information from a wide range of sources and, in addition to the postcode boundaries (5-digit postcodes), also contains the postcode regions (2-digit postcodes) and postcode zones (1-digit postcodes) as well as the postcode districts (PLB, 4-digit).

Key words

Postcode areas, postcode boundaries, postcode data, area boundaries


Standard data format MapInfo TAB, ESRI shapefiles and more

Country coverage

Germany, partially almost all countries in the world


available from PTV Logistics GmbH


upon request (is dependent on the desired configuration of the data set)



Actuality of the data set

July 2024


Detailed information on PTV PLZ8 Germany

PTV PLZ8 Germany


PTV Logistics GmbH

Short description

PLZ8 Boundaries are a breakdown of areas, each with approximately 500 households in an area, making them much more homogeneous than the official postcode areas. Also included are 5-digit, 2-digit and 1-digit postcode boundaries, postcode district boundaries (PLB), overview data with state boundaries, highways and some national main roads, major bodies of water and approximately 650 cities as points and areas.

Key words

Area breakdown, postcode areas, area boundaries


Standard data format MapInfo TAB, ESRI shapefiles

Country coverage



available from PTV Logistics GmbH


upon request (is dependent on the configuration of the desired area section)



Actuality of the data set

July 2024


Test PTV Logistics data now!

We provide test data for internal demo and test purposes to download for free.

The test data is usually available in MapInfo TAB, MIF/MID and ESRI shapefile formats.

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Any questions? We are here for you!

Do you want to find out more about the PTV Logistics world of data? Get in touch with our team of experts using the online form or simply give us a call at:

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