Use case

Enhanced Prediction of Planned Arrival Times based on Historical Traffic Information in PTV OptiFlow

Tired of your drivers getting stuck in traffic and failing to meet your scheduled delivery times? PTV OptiFlow addresses this challenge by incorporating time-dependent traffic patterns based on historical data into route optimization. This significantly improves delivery performance, customer satisfaction and driver retention.

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Why use PTV OptiFlow for enhanced route accuracy?

Traditional route optimization products often rely on average travel times, which do not account for traffic fluctuations throughout the day. PTV OptiFlow, however, integrates traffic patterns, enabling more precise travel time estimates. This means that your drivers’ routes are optimized to avoid peak congestion, reducing delays and ensuring timely deliveries.

Key features

  • Historical Traffic Integration 
    PTV OptiFlow uses traffic patterns generated from historical traffic data from millions of road users to plan the most robust routes.
  • Advanced Algorithms 
    The powerful algorithms handle large datasets and ensure that travel times are accurately calculated for different times of the day and days of the week.

Benefits of time-dependent optimization with PTV OptiFlow

Delivery time
Improved Delivery Performance

By taking realistic journey times into account and avoiding traffic hotspots at peak times.

Driver retention
Driver Retention

Reduced time spent in traffic translates to less stress and higher job satisfaction for your drivers.

Customer Satisfaction

Timely deliveries boost customer satisfaction, leading to better service ratings and repeat business.

Cost Savings

Efficient routing reduces fuel consumption and operational costs, providing significant savings.


Implementing time-dependent route optimization with PTV OptiFlow significantly enhances delivery performance by reducing traffic delays. This advanced capability not only improves customer and driver satisfaction but also delivers substantial cost savings. Embrace PTV OptiFlow to transform your logistics operations with smarter, traffic-aware routing.

Are you ready to transform your logistics operations with smarter, traffic-aware routing?

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Use case sheet | PTV OptiFlow | Time-dependent Traffic (EN)
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