PTV Developer Bootcamp

PTV Developer has an incredible variety of functionalities, use cases, compatibilities... Often you don't even know WHERE to start. We know the problem and have therefore prepared something very special for you: Season 1 of the PTV Developer Bootcamp – 4 episodes for 30 minutes each. 

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In the first season, we take you on a dive through our API capabilities:  

First of all, you need to lay the foundations and in episode 1 "From Geocoding to Routing" we will do exactly that by introduce you to the basics around geocoding, vector maps & routing - so we will have already laid a great foundation. 

This is a good start on which we can build directly with our USPs: Episode 2 “How to get your trips optimized & deal with ad hoc orders” picks up on the topic of route & sequence optimization and kicks it up a notch by showing you how to handle spontaneous ad-hoc orders. 

What would a good first season be without a real climax midway through? Disappointing, exactly! In episode 3” Building beautiful mobile apps – driver & customer apps”, we therefore tackle the topic of mobile apps. And not just one - no! But two: A driver app, so that the driver also knows which orders he has to process and can easily be informed about ad-hoc orders, and a customer app that informs the recipient about live ETA.  

And now we have to wrap the story up: Episode 4 “Adding execution analysis & map matching to your portfolio”. In the season finale, we’ll take a look at the post-execution. Analyzing driver performance enabled by GPS traces map-matched to the road network will be our task. And to top it all off, we’ll even grant you insights into our execution analysis learnings & best practices. 

Session 1: Setting the Scene – From Geocoding to Routing

Let's get started with our kick-off event in the PTV Developer Bootcamp. In the first session, we'll get you covered with the basics, so that you have the perfect foundation for your PTV Developer project. We'll start of with basic geocoding, getting the pin points displayed on our PTV maps and then build our first route. In addition, Excel import via drag and drop as well as Excel export will make your life so much easier. To top it off, we'll do some basic ETA calculations and take a look at CO2 emissions reporting. While working with state-of-the-art development frameworks and libraries such as Tailwind, Next JS, TypeScript and React, we'll build a responsive, state of the art web app based on a REST web service in the backend.

Date: October 18th, 2022

1:00 - 1:30 pm est.


What will be covered in this session:

  • Single field geocoding on the fly
  • Routing with profiles tailored to your vehicle type
  • ETA: When do I reach my destination with live traffic information


Speakers: Lars Moritz & Christopher Patschkowski

APIs used: Geocoding & Places API, Vector Maps API, Routing API

Watch recorded session here

Session 2: How to get your trips optimized and deal with ad hoc orders

The groundwork has been laid and after the first session we can now map waypoints on our beautiful 3D maps and have even calculated our first routes. But now it gets really exciting: We get several orders in that have certain restrictions. Do we want to plan this manually? Of course not! Now it's time to get down to the nitty-gritty of complexity with our optimization APIs! And we will not only optimize a sequence of orders, but at the same time we will look at how to deal with new orders coming in ad hoc during the day. But at some point, your drivers need their breaks, too: That's why we're also shedding light on the topic of HOS as well as driving and rest times. 


Date November 3rd, 2022

1:00 - 1:30 pm est.


What will be covered in this session:  

  • Sequence optimization - which customer should I visit first? 

  • How to handle ad-hoc orders? 

  • I need a break - driving and rest time regulations 

Speakers: Lars Moritz & Julien Mamy (Senior Customer Success Manager) 

APIs used: Routing, Sequence Optimization, Route Optimization 

Watch recorded session here


Session 3: Building beautiful mobile apps -driver & customer apps

The halfway point of the first season is already over and we want to build on the cliffhanger of the last episode and we won't disappoint you: Now we are entering the world of mobile apps! Exciting! Let's first look at the driver's side and build a driver app for them to send them their jobs - whether they've been planned for a long time or come along spontaneously. And what would be a great delivery service, without live ETA updates for our recipient? Literally nothing! So we set about programming a customer app. And to calculate ETA in real time, we also need to access the GPS data of the delivery truck - yet another cool feature! 


Date November 15th, 2022

1:00 - 1:30 pm est.


What will be covered in this session: 

  • Driver app - how do I get my trip? 

  • Customer app to receive live ETA information 

  • Enabling access to GPS sensor 

Speakers: Lars Moritz & Christopher Patschkowski 

APIs used: Routing, Sequence Optimization, Route Optimization, Vectormaps 

Register here

Session 4: Adding execution analysis & map matching to your portfolio

Season finale: Routes are optimized, and both our drivers and customers have their own app to access all important and relevant information. So, it's time to take a deep dive into analytics. The execution analysis is a vital part to give the driver more profound tips & tricks on how to drive better in the future. For this, we will again access GPS data and map it to the road network. To round off the story, we will reveal best practices when it comes to execution analysis. 


Date December 6th, 2022

1:00 - 1:30 pm est.


What will be covered in this session: 

  • Analyzing driver performance 

  • Map-matching – GPS trace to road network

  • Execution analysis insights 

Speakers: Lars Moritz & Julien Mamy (Senior Customer Success Manager) 

APIs used: Routing, Vector Maps, Map Matching 

Register here

Overview of used Frameworks

React React

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