PTV Route Optimiser

Gain efficient Routing & Scheduling with PTV Route Optimiser

Unlock the full potential of your vehicle fleet and support your planners in combining orders into optimal routes that reduce mileage and resources, all while considering restrictions such as service time windows and required rest times of drivers.

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The transport planning software PTV Route Optimiser unlocks the full potential of your vehicle fleet. It supports your planners in combining orders into optimal routes that reduce mileage and resources, all while considering restrictions such as opening hours of ramps and required rest times of drivers.

PTV Route Optimiser can be easily integrated into your existing software infrastructure. Thereby, it enables dispatchers to forward routes to your telematics system, making it easy to turn optimised plans into action. Additionally, the software offers an intuitive interface and is easy to use. PTV Route Optimiser saves your business money – and hence pays for itself within just a few months.

Smart Solutions for your Logistics

Still manually planning or using a planning board?

Route planning and schedule optimisation is like solving a complex puzzle: a puzzle that has more than one solution and whose pieces might change until the very end. Assembling the pieces manually takes hours - and the result may not be optimal in the end. PTV Route Optimiser reduces the complexity of routing and scheduling, saves your planners hours of planning and leads to optimised results.
The software does not replace the planner: rather, PTV Route Optimiser supports planners in their work and frees up capacities for other tasks. The result: efficient schedules and satisfied customers.

An optimal plan proposal

As the number of vehicles, depots and deliveries increases, so does the complexity of route planning and scheduling. PTV Route Optimiser calculates all possible solutions and suggests efficient routes and schedules within seconds. In addition, the software calculates all alternative routes and displays them on a map, suggests a suitable vehicle for each trip, provides additional information like the calculated travel time and distance, as well as the costs involved. However, your planners have the final say: PTV Route Optimiser simply enables them to consider all options carefully and to make an informed decision.

Automatically distribute all your orders across the available fleet

Not all vehicles and drivers are available every day. And not every vehicle is suitable for every task. It’s difficult to keep an overview of all these restrictions. PTV Route Optimiser helps you with this complex task. Store vehicle-specific information as well as the working times and qualifications of your drivers in the system and use this information when planning routes and schedules.

Reliable and realistic planning

Customer requirements and regulatory restrictions continue to grow, making transport planning an ever more demanding task: narrow delivery windows, access restrictions in urban areas and emission limits are just some examples of constraints that must be considered in planning routes and schedules for HGVs.
PTV Route Optimiser turns the complexity of transport planning into efficiency: transport planners can enter regulations, customer demands, depot information and vehicle specifications with just a few clicks. When distributing orders to drivers and calculating routes, the software automatically takes all constraints into account and makes sure the suggested schedule meets them.

Boost fleet utilisation and efficiency

How high is your optimisation potential?

Learn how to boost your efficiency and competitiveness!
In this eGuide you will discover:

  • How a route planning software works
  • What advantages it can bring
  • Who can benefit from a software solution
  • What to look for when choosing a software vendor

Download our free guide

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